Jewelry Cleaner
Top Purple is an easy, one step process (no nasty black paste mess) that will clean any gem or stone safely. Use it on diamonds, rubies, emeralds, gold, silver, costume and antique, even opals and pearls. No acid, ammonia, abrasives or alcohol, environmentally safe and biodegradable. Keep your Pandora, tiffany, and David Yurman collection showroom gorgeous. Great on Rolex also.

Simply take a soft bristle toothbrush (better if it is well used), spray the piece and the brush liberally with Top Purple. Brush the piece front and back, especially under the stone to remove trapped dirt. For larger pieces lay flat and brush both sides. Rinse with clear water and buff dry with clean cotton cloth or bounty paper towel. Soap, oil, lotion and hairspray will not stick to jewelry for up to a month!
If you have tarnished jewelry, use our Bright Now Crème, available on the website before finishing with Top Purple.
Don't Clean Another Piece of Jewelry Before you Read This!
Many gemstones have their own special needs and requirements that you should be aware of to ensure their longevity. Popular methods of cleaning, such as ultrasonic cleaners and steam cleaning, are not appropriate for all gems.
- Amethyst, Citrine, and other members of the quartz family shouldn't be steam cleaned because intense heat (as well as prolonged light) can permanently alter their color.
- Opals should always be treated with extreme care. Avoid impact, chemicals, heat and extremely dry conditions -- all promote cracking.
- As for emeralds, avoid heat cleaning and chemicals that can remove the jeweler?s oil. Topaz sometimes cracks when subjected to sudden temperature changes as it would in steam cleaning.
- Porous gems like turquoise and amber are popular in silver jewelry, but they will become discolored by silver tarnish removers.
- Aside from these cautions, you can clean your own jewelry at home without much fuss.
For most types of mounted gemstone pieces, occasional, gentle brushing with a baby toothbrush in Top Purple and drying with a soft cloth is all you need to keep your jewelry looking its finest every day.
As you can see, Our Natural Jewelry Cleaner is safe on any plastic, glass, or metal composition
It gently cleans any gemstone including opals, pearls, emeralds, rubies, costume jewelry and antique jewelry. Because of a unique process in the blending of our natural jewelry cleaner, Top Purple Jewelry cleaner brightens, polishes and protects your gold, silver, diamonds, rubies and much more. Our unique jewelry cleaning formula keeps soaps, oils, lotions and hair spray from sticking to your jewelry for weeks at a time, maintaining the brilliant luster of your jewelry. There are no abrasives to scratch your precious pearls and other precious stones, there is no ammonia or alcohol to draw out the natural oils out of your gems, which cause them to get brittle.
There are many jewelry cleaning methods, however...
Most involve time consuming, multi-step applications, often involving pastes, rubbing cloths, dipping and soaking to complete the process. Top Purple Natural Jewelry Cleaner is a one-step, quick, and easy application that outshines multi-step cleaners every time guaranteed! Top Purple is available in many of the nations top trade shows, has offered a standing challenge during our demonstrations. If our jewelry cleaner doesn't makes the customer's jewelry look better than it ever has with any other cleaner, we will give a bottle away free*.
Your jewelry pieces are precious and sentimental keepsakes that should be entrusted to proven products.
Top Purple is featured in major Home and Garden Shows coast to coast, Boat Shows nationwide, and scores of state and county fairs. Top Purple invites your questions and comments concerning our all natural jewelry cleaning products. We deeply appreciate the countless thousands of satisfied customers that have entrusted us with the cleaning and care of their most prized possessions, the family jewelry collection. We take that responsibility seriously.
* Free bottle challenge available during live Trade Show Demonstrations only.Jewelry Cleaning Solution Reviews
I love this stuff!!! My jewelry is absolutely the envy of my friends, and my kitchen appliances gleam like they were bought yesterday. Make sure you stock up on this product. It cleans an endless amount of products and once you see how awesome it is, you won't stop until the whole outside and inside of the house is clean from it! YOU MUST BUY THIS!!!!!
— Maureen Rich 06/29/2011
I was one of those people who did not let ANYONE but my jeweler touch my jewelry. My sister bought this at a home show I think and kept teasing me how much better her jewelry looked than mine. I finally tried it and omg it was amazing! I use it on everything I wear now (and I have lots). I just do it at home and my jewelry stays shiny for weeks. I'm not kidding!!
— Janice Santiago 08/22/2014